Impactful Giving
4 Paws for Ability
Welcome to Petdesignz
Petdesignz came about from two sisters who, like you, are both pet owners and pet lovers. This means we have high standards and want to bring the highest quality, most unique products for your fur-babies, and also make a difference in someones life. That’s why when you make a purchase, we take a portion of the sale and help sponsor 4 Paws For Ability. Learn more

Oh My Gosh! My Dog Rolled Around in Her Poop Again!
First, dogs aren’t going to dive nose-first into the foul odors and waste. Our animals provide some tells before they decide if a stink is the right stink. Your dog might sniff around more than usual. This indicates some stench, or other smells, have caught the dog's full attention. Scent-rolling is possibly imminent.
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Your Cat’s Healing Super Power
People have observed one cat purring at another injured cat, almost acting as purr-therapist of sorts. It’s their way of consoling one another much like the way humans hug or talk to each other. It’s one kitty helping another kitty out. Paging Dr. Meow!

Why Does My Dog Do That? Part 1: The Bathroom Stare
Anyone who takes their dog outside to use the bathroom sees this bizarre behavior regularly. If you’re wondering why your dog stares at you when they poop, we’re going to break down the different answers in detail.
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